Tuesday 28 July 2015

Day 8

With the light winds last night no amount of adjusting the sails or the windvane would make us sail more than 90 degrees apparent wind angle. As soon as we loose the apparent wind the vane wanders even more than it already is, so progress has been slow and we made a course to north. The breeze this morning filled in a little from the SE with about 12-14 knots and we tried for a while poling out the headsails but that didn't work as we were all over the place like a drunken Irishman, but at least sort of on course. It all got too frustrating as I know we should be sailing at 6+ knots but doing less than 4 made good with all the wandering. So now it's back to hand steering to the west for the day to try to make up a few miles.
All is well we just can't watch as many movies ;)

Noon to noon=123nm made good, 410 miles to Suriname.

Here's a pic of the new upgraded autopilot

1 comment:

  1. Best looking auto pilot around!!! Any updates on scenery, wildlife, beverages - that's more up my alley than wind speed!! Keep chugging guys xxxx
