Monday, 27 November 2017

Slow Progress

Been a frustrating few days that's for sure. Hard on the wind, pushing 1.5-2kts of current and then throw in a heap of never ending squalls and you get the idea?! Yesterday we had a 98nm day, day before 112, today will hopefully do a little better. The average wind has been about 15-17 kts which is ok but with all the squalls around we are sailing with 2 reefs in the main and a little bit of headsail, one of the squalls yesterday that looked like nothing, just a bit of grey misty rain not like some others that look like a mushroom bomb with that thick black defined line across, anyway it pretty well knocked us flat with over 40kts and vertical rain. Since then when we see a squall coming on the radar we drop the headsail and put the motor on for a short while and just go through it, not worth breaking anything. Normally we are down wind sailing and you are running with the squalls so you see less, but have them for longer. Now we see more but they are over quickly but there's not a lot of rest.
Anyway it's easier now as we just went through the Nicaraguan Rise Shoals and have now turned away 10 degrees and are heading straight for Cartagena Colombia which is just under 400nm away. The forecast is for the winds to pick up tomorrow but hopefully we should still be able to make our course of 145 we will see, trying not to get excited about Colombia just in case. Anyway we still have a little current against us but not that much at the moment so let's hope it stays that way.
So anyway here we are, bobbin like a cork wandering what the f*#k are we doing here:)
Will all be forgotten after that first beer ashore

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