Sunday 24 April 2016

Thoughts on the DR

We had a great time in the DR although really we only saw the surroundings of Bayahibe. There aren't really many good nice anchorages on the south coast which makes it hard for exploring too much. Bayahibe would have to be one of the worst anchorages we have stayed in for longer than one night. It is very rolly and then mix it with 100 fast tourist boats flying around all over the place with drunk skippers and poorly maintained catamaran tourist boats it makes for some serious stress. The first week we were sitting in our local bar having a beer to look up and see a 70 foot trimaran laying against Sunflower scratching the side in a 20knt breeze, it's engine had packed up when they picked up their mooring and like we found a lot with the locals  they don't really care or apologise but that's the way it is, I would not recomend staying in Bayahibe for longer than a few days even though the town is really nice and great fun. Casa De Campo, the marina had a fishing comp on so there was no room there and it would probably be too expensive for us anyhow. They are another story, we checked in with them after paying exorbitant fee of $175 which really should have only been about $80 including our 2 visas but we went there because we thought the next place was 40mile west at Boca Chica. It was very easy and quick though but you do pay for it that's for sure. So then we decide to leave the DR and go there to check out.....sorry we only check you in. If you have been to another DR port and then come back we will not check you out...because they don't make any money, absolute arseholes (excuse my French). So then after many many phone calls it turns out you can check in/out of the port at La Romana. We checked out there and it cost $20 and they were very nice. I recomend other cruisers coming to check in there as it should only be $60 to check in and $10 for each visa. My sisters and one of there fiancĂ©e Mark also with us to clear out and they had to pay $35 each to join the boat for the clearance.You anchor just before the bridge and you will see there customs/armada station just there on the west side. 
After there we did an overnight sail to Isla Beata just before the Haitian border. Beautiful spot!! We anchored just away from the town under amazing limestone cliffs that felt like we were almost in the Kimberley's in Australia. The local Armada came out to check our papers and were friendly enough after we gave them a cold beer. Then a local fisherman arrived with 5 big lobsters we bought for $20 and cooked them with butter and garlic on BBQ and also Morney in the oven washed of course down with some champagne, as always doing it tough on Sunflower :)

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